Get in touch

Arieshosting Network is a non-profit organization. I am very grateful about everything that comes in, to value the work done in my private time. Many thanks – you people keep the spirit up – and will be mentioned in the donors hall-of-fame (if you like) !


The running costs amount to 350 USD a month for the server rent in the data centre. Donations in kind or cash are always possible through my postal address – bank-transfer as well, please contact me for IBAN/BIC.

Links :


phpMyAdmin – Manage your database
Roundcube – Webmail (mobile friendly)
SquirrelMail – Webmail (plain html)
Kopano WebApp – Groupware
Etherpad – Text collaboration
Owncloud – File sharing
User manual – Download PDF

Be sure to mention all the channels where visitors can reach you, including social media. If you’d rather not provide your email, you can add a contact form instead.

Email me at